God is truly amazing! Just look at what He's done for you.
Sometimes we don't recognize what He's done for us, instead we focus on what He didn't do for us. Stop. Think. He made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave up is Son for us, for our forgiveness. All we have to do is accept that fact. Right? So what stops us from completely trusting in Him?
We sometimes don't realize that every action has a consequence, some good and some not so good, both of which can be lasting. Decisions made early in life have can have consequences lasting a lifetime. For example, if I decide that college isn't for me, then the statistics tell me that my income will be significantly lower over the course of my work-life than one who holds a college degree. We don't always consider the consequences. Here's another example; my dad decided to start smoking at an early age and kept smoking for 40 years. The consequences presented themselves almost 20 years after he finally did quit. They came in the form of throat cancer and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Decease). When he quit, he thought it was the right choice, and it was, but it was already too late.
These are may be dramatic examples, that illustrate the dilemma. We don't consider the long term consequences of every choice. I don't think it's possible, I know that I'm just not that smart.
Here's the amazing part--God loves us, no matter what our choices are. He loves us and wants to have an intimate personal relationship with us. We are already forgiven by His sacrifice. Friends, this is the true grace of God. We don't deserve His love, His forgiveness, or His peace but we can have it anyway.
God is truly amazing!
Amen Sista!!