My Inspiration Story for Concrete Dove

Here's how Merriam-Webster defines it:
Noun - A mass formed by concretion or coalescence of separate particles of matter in one body, a hard strong building material.
Adjective - Characterized by or belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events, naming a real thing.
Verb - To cover with, form of, or set in concrete; to form into a solid mass.

Can you see how the Word of God is like concrete (only better)? It's real, a solid foundation. It covers us with His protection. It strengthens us and withstands any storm. It bonds us together as one body of believers.
Stand firm, in His Word. Learn It, Know It, Live It!

What inspires you? You might be surprised, so take a look around to see what He's put in front of you.

Every day on my way to work I pass over this slab of concrete with a dove-shaped crack and every day it reminds me to start my workday with prayer, praise, to give thanks for the day, the job, and so much more. I use that drive in to work as my quiet time with God.

When the idea of writing a blog started rolling around in my head, the name came to me without even second guessing. It was right in front of me every day; a Concrete Dove. If you look at the picture closely, you'll see a white line in the concrete. Use your imagination. I see it like a pencil drawing; almost like what a child might draw.

The wings are outstretched, from the top to the bottom of the picture, and the bird is facing left. I like to see it as holding the olive leaf in its beak (Gen 8:11) as evidence of new life and offering peace to all who pass over it. 

It had snowed on the morning I snapped the picture.  The snow filled the crack, making my Concrete Dove stand out. Let me know if you can see it, too.