Saturday, September 23, 2017

Accept the Truth and the Truth with Set Your Free

This is a Five Minute Friday "word of the week" post. The word this week is Accept.

I've had a struggle with pride for years. I go round and round with it, some days I can set is aside but on others it just has me. It brings pain, anxiety, and a multitude of other emotions that control me...until I finally realize that it's back again. 

I'm learning to recognize it sooner than I used to, but not soon enough. I recover quicker, but I wish I would have to recover at all.

I've accepted that I have a pride problem. I've accepted that it's something God hates, even though he loves me. I've accepted that I need His help to change and that I have to participate in the work of it.

I've accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

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  1. Love this! Accepting the truth about ourselves is just the first step. Thanks for the reminder that freedom in Jesus, not self-condemnation, is the goal of being honest about our short-comings.

    1. I'm so behind in responding. Thank you for the very nice comment. He'll take us on the rest of our journey if we let Him.

  2. Yes, and it's amazing to know that God accepts us as we are- that he doesn't condemn us but he loves us and wants to help us grow. Visiting from FMF #31.

    1. Sorry for the late response. Thanks for visiting. I appreciate your comment.

  3. Accepting His help is both the hardest and easiest of choices. But the more we practice the posture of accepting his help, we will have the having of cooperating in the work he is doing in us.

    You are not alone in the struggle. Pride is an easy trap.

  4. And there's that pride thing again. Putting it away is the best thing we can do. Yes, accepting his help is always always the right choice. Thank you so much.
