Saturday, October 28, 2017

Day 28 - Connect

What's in the Meaning of a Word

Psalm 86:11 Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. (NASB)

The first thing I thought of when I saw connect was the word of the day was a line of people linked arm-in-arm. Since I like to start the post with the scripture verse that inspired the piece, I started a Biblegateway search. I wasn't inspired to write anything from the verses that popped up. So I went to the dictionary and then the online thesaurus, and that's where I finally found an option -- unite.

I went back to search for verses with unite in them, this led me to Psalm 86:11. I wanted to see how the verse read in other translations and that's when I hit the jackpot--the beauty of God's Word. He finds so many different ways to say what He wants us to know. He says it in just the right way so that someone will understand. 

Take this one little verse; really only a part of the verse:
Unite in reverence (TLB)
Undivided mind (CSB)
Undivided heart (NIV)
Put me together, one heart and mind. (The Message)
Make me single-hearted (CJB) (My favorite)

He is so good to us! He wants us to be united in Him, connected with each other, single-hearted for his purpose, to feel His love, and show it to others.


Click her for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

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