Monday, October 2, 2017

31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes

This is the October 2017 Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of free writing (no edits) with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Hebrews 12:1-2 ...let us also lay aside every encumbrance..., and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus...

31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes
Table of Contents - Learning to Run My Race
(click the links below to read the post of the 

Day 31 - Rest

Day 30 - Refine

Day 28 - Connect

Day 27 - Overcome

Day 23 - Work

Day 20 - Discover

Day 18 - Share

Day 15 - Remain

Day 14 - Try

Day 13 - Invite

Day 12 - Write

Day 11 - Remember

Day 10 - Listen

Day 4 - Hope

Day 3 - Create

Day 2 - Tell

Day 1 on Day 2  - Worship

Yes, I believe writing is a form of worship. Yes, of course, I do.  Hymns were written before they were sung. I write prayers in my journal and I write of disappointment, grief, loneliness, gratitude, love, happiness, and praise, too. All of that is worship because I trust in God's love for me.

When I write a post, it is usually in response to some prompting from the Holy Spirit. Something that I'm supposed to write either for someone, for myself, or for God. It is a form of communication and it usually makes me happy and thankful to have the ability to put words on a page. Completing the task is the act of worship.

Yes, I believe writing is a form of worship, and I intend to keep worshipping, even on the days when the writing comes harder than others. Even on the days when the prompting is about something painful. I know that it is always for my good and works into God's plan. Oh, that's just another reason to worship.

Yes, I believe writing is a form of worship!


  1. I liked what you wrote about how you write usually in response to a prompt from the Holy Spirit. I love that thought and how that plays on the prompts that are given to us each day in this challenge and the Lord does the same thing to get us to move for Him. Makes me see the act of writing as a form of worship in a new way. Thanks!

  2. When you can't sing... Ya gotta write. Thanks for commenting.

  3. I feel the same way you have written here! I think sometimes we as people limit ourselves in the ways we can worship. I love your comment above as well! I have often wondered why God would give me such a musical soul with little musical ability? You have now prompted me to think that maybe that's why I write too! Thanks for sharing, Your 31 days neighbor, Cindy

  4. Thanks, Cindy. I appreciate your comment.

  5. I love this way of thinking!
    I have always felt nudged to write but never once considered my doing so a way to worship. Thanks so much for sharing! I actually considered doing several of the prompt words in the same post. I just posted the first 5 on my site and plan to continue adding to the same post as the month goes on and I get a few written. Do it your way, there is no wrong way as long as you do it. I'm fairly new too though, so what do I know?
    #75 for the 31 Day Challenge
