Monday, October 2, 2017

I Depend on the Holy Spirit

FMF - Word of the week is Depend. Check out FMF Writing Community here:

John 14:16-17a (NASB) I will asd the Father,  and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth....

We through a baby shower for my daughter-in-law this weekend. What a wonderful event. We planned it, that is me, my two daughters and my daughter-in-law's best friend. it was all done through email, text messaging, and Pintrest. Wow! it couldn't have gone smoother. We met only one time on the Friday before the shower to finish up the desserts. 

We depended on electronics to communicate and coordinate on all the details and came together the morning of the shower, each with her own supplies and assignments. It was flawless and, as the "elder" of the group, I was taken by surprise that it all worked so well.

When we depend on the Holy Spirit and trust His direction everything will work well, too. This should never be a surprise. While we planned our baby shower, we depended on and trusted in the unseen Bluetooth, WiFi, and Internet technologies. Why should that be easier than trusting in the Spirit? Think about -- it shouldn't be.

Times up! 


  1. It's funny how we trust in materialistic unseen things more than the Holy Spirit. Probably because we have to wait patiently for the Holy Spirit to work rather than getting something in a milli-second. Good things come to those who wait! Joining you on the FMF community #71

  2. Thank you. I agree, the waiting is tough but can make use stronger.
