Saturday, November 11, 2017

Silence - An Lesson in Humility

For a few weeks the Lord has impressed upon me to be silent about a specific situation in my life. This is hard because I was feeling very hurt, angry, betrayed, and even humiliated. I asked “God, where are you in this?” and was quickly reminded of the verses He used to make His presence known while walking me through it.   

The first verse was Psalm 19:14, May my spoken words and unspoken thoughts be pleasing even to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer. (TLB)

It was a response to prayer for an immediate need. I looked down and there it was, the verse of the day on one of my phone apps. By repeating it silently to myself and jotting it down so that it was in front of me, I was able to step through an intense few days. After about a week I started applying this strategy to my words, ALL MY WORDS. Now, every time I start to say or start thinking negative thoughts about any situation, I’m reminded that God is listening. I recite the verse several times a day (some days, many times) reminding myself to keep my words pleasing to the Lord.

The second verse was Exodus 14:14, The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.

I believe the Holy Spirit confirmed that I must be silent about the situation, not in conversation about it, NOT AT ALL. This would only feed fear, pride, and unforgiveness (yes, that was there too).

While sitting at a red light I spotted the license plate on the vehicle in front of me. It was a simple thing God used to remind me that Christ died for ALL of us, so how can I withhold forgiveness FROM ANYONE. That was my breakthrough. I’m still waiting for the feelings to catch up but I’m on my way. In the meantime, I will continue to wait in silence while He works this out for our good (Romans 8:28)

Check out the Five Minute Fridays Writing Community here: Once a week, one word writing prompt, write for five minutes, and post. Unedited flat out writing. The prompt is this week is SILENT.

Friday, November 3, 2017

We Can Have Confidence in the Lord's Endurance

Check out the Five Minute Fridays Writing Community here: Once a week, one word writing prompt, write for five minutes, and post. Unedited flat out writing. The prompt is this week is NEED.

Hebrews 10: 35-36 Therefore, do no throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you  may receive what was promised. 

Start - 

We can have confidence in the Lord's endurance and thereby ours. 

A few years ago we were going through a very important project at work and for some reason, just never added the enough manpower. It got done but at an unreasonably high price for several key employees. I've always been a hard worker, but this was one of the hardest periods of my career. After a while I just didn't think about it and plodded ahead. The project finally launched. The result for many of those key employees was burnout. 

For about a year after launch, I was just toast. Work and home life suffered. I've been in other high-intensity projects before, but not for this duration. I didn't have the endurance I needed to get through. I didn't make the time to go to God with my needs. My confidence was misplaced in my employer and myself. Not enough rest and hyper-focus on the wrong things, not a good combination. 

We need endurance to do the will of God; to receive our inheritance. Without endurance we don't get to the finish ling He intends. His will, it will get done. If we don't rest in Christ and focus on Him we won't be the one doing it. Run with confidence the race set before you. He gives you what you need.

- Stop

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Day 31 - Rest


Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, (NASB)

This Hebrew verse was the guiding light for this 31 day challenge. I didn't run well enough to post daily, but I did find the endurance to make it through to the last day. I feel good about that.

Resting though? Hmmm, I don't think so. I feel like the challenge was my training and now I'm at the starting block to start my race, and it's a long one. A marathon, not a sprint. 

I always wanted to be a runner, but I'm not. I'm a walker one foot in front of the other pushing as far as I'm able or as time allows. I listen to godly teachers, to God's word, I pray, I observe the birds, and squirrels (we have so many in the neighborhood - it's creepy sometimes), and admire my neighbors' landscaping. 

At the beginning of this it was all about the writing, then I went to a writers conference and learned how social media and gaining followers is a must for a writer. I spent the next few weeks trying to set up a new WordPress blog, friending, and following. Doing the things I absolutely avoided, even swore I would never do. I learned a lot too, but I feel like I slowed down. 

Yes, I have to find a better way to establish the tech side so that I can focus on the writing side. I feel energized, happy, and fulfilled when I'm writing, so that is what I'm going to do. I'm not resting yet. It's time for me to establish a steady pace and run my race. I can't see the finish line yet.

Challenge met, my five minutes (maybe a few more) are up.

Thanks   and Five Minute Fridays. 

Click her for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Day 30 - Refine

Keep Going

Malachi 3:2 For He is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap.

Side note: I had to look up fuller to find out what it means. Fullers pressed or scoured cloth in a mill, usually with their feet,  (Anglo-Saxon) fullian means "to whiten". Thank you Biblegateway.


At first I read refine but thought revise. No, that's not right, the prompt today is refine

To refine is to remove the impurities, to make pure by fire, as the verse says. The really hard times in life often seem like trial by fire experiences. Those times can bring out the best in us, and this is God's plan. To always make us better, to refine us into Christ image. To set us apart. To sanctify us. Yes, Lord, but why does it have to be so hard?

Isn't that what we do with our writing. Not revise, but at some point begin to refine.To make it better. To remove the extraneous, the unnecessary. To make it pure. Yes, Lord, but why does it have to be so hard?

I know that I am not where He wants me to be in life or in my writing. Yes, anything worth doing is worth doing well. That's corny but true and how I look at writing. I have to work at it and will keep working. Yes, it will be hard even when it gets better.

I didn't have to work hard to be accepted by Jesus. That was already done, without refining. I only had to say Yes Lord. He made me whiter than snow. It was easy for me, even though it was hard for Him. 

Click here for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Day 28 - Connect

What's in the Meaning of a Word

Psalm 86:11 Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. (NASB)

The first thing I thought of when I saw connect was the word of the day was a line of people linked arm-in-arm. Since I like to start the post with the scripture verse that inspired the piece, I started a Biblegateway search. I wasn't inspired to write anything from the verses that popped up. So I went to the dictionary and then the online thesaurus, and that's where I finally found an option -- unite.

I went back to search for verses with unite in them, this led me to Psalm 86:11. I wanted to see how the verse read in other translations and that's when I hit the jackpot--the beauty of God's Word. He finds so many different ways to say what He wants us to know. He says it in just the right way so that someone will understand. 

Take this one little verse; really only a part of the verse:
Unite in reverence (TLB)
Undivided mind (CSB)
Undivided heart (NIV)
Put me together, one heart and mind. (The Message)
Make me single-hearted (CJB) (My favorite)

He is so good to us! He wants us to be united in Him, connected with each other, single-hearted for his purpose, to feel His love, and show it to others.


Click her for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Day 27 - Overcome

He Will When I Can't

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you  have tribulation, but take courage; in have overcome the world."

When does the peace start? If my faith is the victory (1 John 5:4) and the One Who overcame the world loves me enough to live inside me (1 John 4:4), and is greater than he who live in the world, I've already overcome. 

Why don't I feel the victory and the peace that comes in it. I'm mean all the time, not just few and sometimes far between snippets. Okay, I admit it, I'm greedy for the victory.

So, what is there to overcome?

  • Insecurity
  • Doubt
  • Self-centeredness
  • Pride
  • Lack of self-control
  • Sadness
  • Emptiness
You name it, they all steal our victory in Christ. They are all stumbling blocks either self-inflicted or imposed by the world because of our lack of faith. 

The victory is in our faith. One translation says trust (CJB). Until we let the knowledge of His sovereignty rest in our souls, we won't experience that "peace prize" we all need. 

My five minutes are up.

Extended time -
In all honesty, I have not held to the five minute rule for most of my posts in October. I spent time editing as I went and that took way longer than five minutes. Today, I prayed first, jotted down some verses and notes before I started writing. Wrote for five minutes, then, went back to fix spelling and punctuation (which could still be a problem). The prep and clean-up process is much more efficient and effective. If that is the only thing I learn in these 31 days, then it is a good lesson. I've enjoyed reading posts from the FMF community. Thank you for sharing so many good stories. 

Click her for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Day 23 - Work

Do the Work, Don't be the Work

Colossians 3:23 (NASB) Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.

This took longer than five minutes to write, but I've missed a few installments. I should be caught up now.

For the last "cough-cough" years, work has given me both great fulfillment and great disappointment; unfortunately, more disappointment. It hasn't been a happy work life. If I had known what the Word says about work; however, my work life (my life) would have been more balanced and happy. That's on me.

You see, I set my work up as an idol. Up until a few years ago I put all my effort into it complete with long hours and college at night, through two degrees. I was a real "company man". When I finally got where I wanted the work didn't provide peace, contentment, or confirmation of my worthiness to be there. I was hurt, confused, and burnt out. 

Not that my efforts didn't pay off. I certainly learned all I could from great examples and have become very good at my job, but I altogether missed the point. Work is work, it is not me.

Paraphrasing Andy Stanley ( Pack Your Bags, Now And Then) and he talks about the "do's" required in the different seasons of life. He says the best preparation for the next season is to do what God tells you to do in this season, and there's a sense of liberty comes with that. So why prepare for the next season? Because the seasons of our lives are connected.

Okay, I'm in. I'm done with disappointment. All that hard work has significant education and training sprinkled in. I'll call that preparation for my next season, which isn't that far away.

So, what now? In the meantime, I've taken down the idol and I will continue to work heartily, as for the Lord. Obey God. Write when He says write. Put my best effort into His work and His Word. With that, I'm confident that peace, contentment, a sense of liberty, even that elusive sense of fulfillment will follow. According to Joshua 1:7, only then can I achieve success, the success He has planned for me. That's what He says, and I believe Him.

Hmmm...could it be that easy? I think so.

Click here for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Day 20 - Discover

Discover the New You

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new one has begun! 

The Lord reminded me of a few things this weekend. I know I'm a couple of days late, but decided to post anyway. Here goes...

Discover self-discipline and the power He put in your mind and body.
Discover the peace that surpasses all understanding. 
Discover your reason for unforgiveness and fix it.
Discover the peace obedience brings.
Discover the freedom in surrender.
Discover His plan for you, and know that He's equipped for it.
Discover your Great Commission and the courage you need to walk it out.
Discover who you are in Christ.

Click here for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Day 18 - Share

The Writer's Mission to Share

Psalm 16:5-7Living Bible (TLB)
The Lord himself is my inheritance, my prize. He is my food and drink, my highest joy! He guards all that is mine. He sees that I am given pleasant brooks and meadows as my share![a] What a wonderful inheritance! I will bless the Lord who counsels me; he gives me wisdom in the night. He tells me what to do.

Sharing what is on our hearts and minds, as writers, isn't that our true mission? Our great commission, even. If God has truly called me to write, then I must write. I must work at becoming better and better. I must pray, become connected with the Holy Spirit, and allow Him to do His work through me. And there's that submission thing again, but that's for another day.

The Lord is my prize and I claim Him. He feeds me and brings me joy. He provides for me so that I may be available to focus on the work He has for me. Inspiration is readily given so that I may pursue His purpose for my words. Everyday beauty in my surroundings gives me something to write about. Five Minute Fridays provides weekly prompts, and daily prompts in October.

If I focus on writing, then I make myself open to the Spirit's promptings to do just that. In the act of posting or publishing I am sharing. Sharing is important. A writer will never know the full impact of his or her words. I must be mindful of where those words come from, as they come with great responsibility.

I don't hold myself in a high position, but a humble one, and pray that God keeps me there. Left to my own devices, and with a little success in this writing thing, I could become proud of my own efforts. Instead, hope to bless the Lord and His readers, that's right His readers--He brings them. I'm on His mission. I ask for His counsel and pray for wisdom so that I will do what He tells me. None of this comes from me (except the occasional misspelling or grammatical error, that's all me).

Click here for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Day 15 - Remain

Remaining Confident Even When You Don't Know What Comes Next 

Psalm 27:13-14 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord' be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

The only way for me to remain confident is to put my confidence in the Lord. That's me now.

I am not a confident person. In my work, I've always felt as though I lacked something. No one ever told me that; the feeling is completely on me. For years, that feeling made me work very hard, for long hours at my job and when that wasn't enough, I went back to school. Then I had to pursue a high GPA, no B's for me. Enough was never enough, just more to prove. Now, I'm trying to put that behind me.

Maybe, that will be hared as I start on the writing path, but the source of my confidence in writing must come from Jesus, and remain there. If I truly believe that He has called me to write, then  my confidence to be in only one place. Not myself. Not my readers. Only in Christ.

Confidence is not "They will like Me.
Confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't." 
-Cristina Crimme.

I must resolve to remain strong and confident in Jesus, and trust Him to give me the words for just the right person and purpose. If I hold fast to this belief, I will be fine. I won't lack anything, and I'll win this race!

Click her for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Day 14 - Try

Keep Trying

We can only try, and keep trying, until God perfects our efforts according to His plan for the work. The work is hard, yes, but worth it. I've told my children before that anything worth doing is worth working hard to accomplish.

My son plays piano beautifully and he's had to work hard to get there. Trying different practicing techniques and different pieces that challenge him. I used to sit next to a little boy, just learning play, so that he wouldn't feel alone or give up. Now, he's 20 years old and working on a degree in music. I've recently started telling him to pray before he plays and responds, "I always do." I thank
God for that.

As I embark, more seriously than ever, on being a Christian writer, I'm finding so many things to help me get better at it. I will try different methods to improve my technique and help me to reach more readers for His purpose. I will try to meet that challenges set before me with positive resolve. I will try to wait for His prompting and rely on His direction.

My writing is worthless outside of His covering. I will pray before I write.

Click her for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Day 13 - Invite

Accepting the Invitation

I've been invited into this writing life and I've accepted the invitation. Why wouldn't I? It's going to be a great fun. Right? OK, maybe not fun all the time. I expect there will be as many tears as there will be smiles, but it's too late to say no now. I've already accepted. My presence is expected, even wanted. I'm wanted. I've never felt so wanted.

I'm alone in this job. There isn't department meeting or presentation people are waiting for me to start. I'm not in leadership here. I'm under God's leadership, under His authority in a place of submission. SubWHAT! That's out of character for me. How did that happen? I received His invitation.

Here's the thing, if I don't engage with God, if I don't submit to His will for my life, if I don't invite the Holy Spirit into my mind and heart every time I write (and accept His guidance), God will find someone else to convey His message. That is an opportunity I'm not willing to pass up.

He's called me to this writing thing, yeah -- it's a thing for me now -- and I'm working at doing it well. I'm not there yet, but I'm still running my race and since I'm a slow runner, it's going to take time. This is not a sprint after all, it's a marathon.

Click here for my 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Day 12 - Write

Write the Truth

Proverbs 3:3 Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.

Writing is my voice. You see, my voice, the one I speak with just isn't heard. What I say, the way I say it, my facial expressions, my tone, the way I verbally communicate -- it's almost never received in the way I intend and I don't understand why this happens.

I'm trying to hear myself the way others do. I try to be conscious of my words so much that there are very few people, with whom I can be myself. I try to speak softly, to be kind and considerate with my words and it hurts me when I am not accepted.

Do I stop talking, stop communicating using speech? REALLY? I hope people get me in the written word, because I'm giving up on talking. Well, not really because that would be hard. However, I'm all in with the hard work of learning to write well. I will work at writing because it makes my heart happy.

I know that not everyone will be a fan, that I will post something that offends, irritates or provokes some unexpected reaction. If I'm a writer that is being read, it's inevitable. I promise, though, that I will make every effort to write with kindness and truth, and by the grace of God, He will write them on the tablet of my heart.

Click here for my 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Day 11 - Remember

Do You Remember?

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

In this verse, the Lord is asking Joshua, "Have I not commanded you?" He's saying remember My instructions and trust Me. 

We all need reminding from time to time. I know that I sometimes forget that God is with me always. I have nothing to fear when I place my trust in Him. 

We all become from our daily burdens, fearful of upcoming events, or especially fearful of what God has called us to do. Like Joshua we must strong and courageous. In this call to write, that I believe God placed in my heart, I am I will approach it one day at a time. 

As I take the steps laid out for me at the writers' conference I just attended, I'm sure I will be at least doubtful of my ability to take the next one and the next. These feelings will be overcome by my Lord, through the Holy Spirit, Whom He gave me for just this purpose. I am confident in His ability, even if not my own. I will remember today why I'm writing.

Click here for my 31 Day Free Write Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Day 10 - Listen

I Will Listen and Believe

I lost a few days but I'm back on track, running my race and learning to be a writer. I am a writer.

I listened, and listened, and listened to so much information last weekend at the Breathe Conference for Christian writers. Now, I feel like a can breathe. I feel like the whole experience was confirmation of God's plan for my life.

During my time there, certain things came up that I realized God placed in my life, or placed me in the right place to acquire or accomplish in the course of my regular job. These things made me more able to do the writing part of His plan.

I am so grateful to have participated in the conference and to meet other writers who are actually writing. It's not a hobby, they aren't  dabbling, not researching, they are WRITING! I am WRITING!

I listened to so much good advice, but the best of all, was to pray about it. To ask God to Bless my writing, to lead me, make me responsive to His prompting. Just like the band Casting Crowns says it, I Will Listen and Believe the Voice of Truth, that's what I'll do. I certainly couldn't say it any better.

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Day 4 - Hope

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, 'declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and an hope.

Hope for a Future in Writing

I am hoping for a future in writing. I am working at what I believe is God's plan for me, a future in writing. This week I didn't think I had a future in this writing challenge, though. I just couldn't get my posts and link-up right. The technology of it just wasn't working for me. I emailed the host, Kate M., to say that I was bowing out of the "connected" version of the challenge, even though I would keep writing and posting on my blog.

She didn't let me give up that easily. I got an email suggesting another route (you can read about that on the Day 3 post). She gave me hope and a future in this challenge. She didn't kick me to the curb because I made a few mistakes. Instead, I was encouraged to keep working at it. She gave me hope.

Isn't that what Jesus taught us. We always have a hope and a future in Him. We all have a plan prepared in advance, all we have to do is work the plan. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Day 3 - Create

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Friday, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge at

Be Creative

I call this 31 days of writing a challenge because it truly is, for me at least. The writing, itself, is coming easier. The challenge came in creating the link so other participants could find my work to read. 

We are four days in and I just now figured out, with the help of a YouTube video, how to add links to my daily posts. I'm so excited and relieved. The video wasn't on exactly the same thing I wanted to do, but watching it opened my mind to applying what I already knew in a different way. I had to learn something before moving forward in my own method of creativity -- writing. I tested it and, yes, it works. This time it worked! I am hopeful as I move forward, still one day behind.

Being creative doesn't always come easy. We are not God. We can't just speak something into being. Don't laugh, I had to think creatively to figure out how to add a simple link on a blog page. This is something I do in emails almost daily. A blog is a different media for me, so I have to work at it.  Take paint and wood, for example, an accomplished artist paints a beautiful portrait, but building a table...hmmm, that might be a challenge.

A good challenge never hurt anyone. It makes one stronger, so I will continue to create and to learn. And I will thank God every day for the ability to do both for His glory.

Monday, October 2, 2017

October Free Write - Day 2 on Day 2, On Track Now

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Day 2 - Tell

Go Tell It on the Mountain

Acts 5:42 And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

I love that hymn. Isn't that what Jesus instructed us to do in the Great Commission. The apostles did it even through imprisonment, beatings, and shipwrecks. They told it in joy. Wait a minute, I can't even get through a day at work without losing my joy. What's up with that? My life, in every way that I can imagine, must be so much easier than that of any one of the apostles. Yet, they didn't give up, even knowing they would have the worst of it because of their undying faithfulness to Jesus. 

I want that undying faithfulness, perseverance, endurance, and patience (although, I can only imagine why they called it longsuffering). We might call it sticktoitiveness today, or perhaps dedication sounds more worthy of their calling. I don't want to get tired of telling It, the way I'm tiring of the everyday workplace work. 

They lived up to the challenge and changed the world by staying on course. They ran their race, they told us about It, the Good News of Jesus Christ, and because of it we have the gospels and other books of the New Testament. Oh, God would have accomplished His plan if they quit, but they didn't. I can only pray for the same sticktoitiveness, guided by the Spirit in Christ Jesus. I want to be available just in case He wants me to tell It.

31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes

This is the October 2017 Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of free writing (no edits) with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Hebrews 12:1-2 ...let us also lay aside every encumbrance..., and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus...

31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes
Table of Contents - Learning to Run My Race
(click the links below to read the post of the 

Day 31 - Rest

Day 30 - Refine

Day 28 - Connect

Day 27 - Overcome

Day 23 - Work

Day 20 - Discover

Day 18 - Share

Day 15 - Remain

Day 14 - Try

Day 13 - Invite

Day 12 - Write

Day 11 - Remember

Day 10 - Listen

Day 4 - Hope

Day 3 - Create

Day 2 - Tell

Day 1 on Day 2  - Worship

Yes, I believe writing is a form of worship. Yes, of course, I do.  Hymns were written before they were sung. I write prayers in my journal and I write of disappointment, grief, loneliness, gratitude, love, happiness, and praise, too. All of that is worship because I trust in God's love for me.

When I write a post, it is usually in response to some prompting from the Holy Spirit. Something that I'm supposed to write either for someone, for myself, or for God. It is a form of communication and it usually makes me happy and thankful to have the ability to put words on a page. Completing the task is the act of worship.

Yes, I believe writing is a form of worship, and I intend to keep worshipping, even on the days when the writing comes harder than others. Even on the days when the prompting is about something painful. I know that it is always for my good and works into God's plan. Oh, that's just another reason to worship.

Yes, I believe writing is a form of worship!

I Depend on the Holy Spirit

FMF - Word of the week is Depend. Check out FMF Writing Community here:

John 14:16-17a (NASB) I will asd the Father,  and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth....

We through a baby shower for my daughter-in-law this weekend. What a wonderful event. We planned it, that is me, my two daughters and my daughter-in-law's best friend. it was all done through email, text messaging, and Pintrest. Wow! it couldn't have gone smoother. We met only one time on the Friday before the shower to finish up the desserts. 

We depended on electronics to communicate and coordinate on all the details and came together the morning of the shower, each with her own supplies and assignments. It was flawless and, as the "elder" of the group, I was taken by surprise that it all worked so well.

When we depend on the Holy Spirit and trust His direction everything will work well, too. This should never be a surprise. While we planned our baby shower, we depended on and trusted in the unseen Bluetooth, WiFi, and Internet technologies. Why should that be easier than trusting in the Spirit? Think about -- it shouldn't be.

Times up! 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Accept the Truth and the Truth with Set Your Free

This is a Five Minute Friday "word of the week" post. The word this week is Accept.

I've had a struggle with pride for years. I go round and round with it, some days I can set is aside but on others it just has me. It brings pain, anxiety, and a multitude of other emotions that control me...until I finally realize that it's back again. 

I'm learning to recognize it sooner than I used to, but not soon enough. I recover quicker, but I wish I would have to recover at all.

I've accepted that I have a pride problem. I've accepted that it's something God hates, even though he loves me. I've accepted that I need His help to change and that I have to participate in the work of it.

I've accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

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Friday, September 8, 2017

Time to punch in!

This is a Five Minute Friday post and the word this week is Work. FMF is a website for writers, we write on the word of the week for five minutes and post without editing.
You can find FMF here -

I can’t wait to retire…hmmm….I know I’m not supposed to say that. I am so grateful for my job, but what a challenge! Maybe that’s why God put me there. I have to remember that HE PUT ME THERE FOR A REASON, right? I’m coming to realize that overcoming my pride problem might just be one of the reasons. Another is idolatry. You see, for years all I did was work hard, work long hours, and just work. My job was my focus.

I went to school full time to complete a BBA and then on to an MBA, all while working full time and with a toddler who turned into a second grader before I was done. I'm not complaining. Getting a degree was always my plan, but that took a left turn in my senior year of high school. God still provided it through my work. 

All that time away from family for the job and school, it was all about overcoming that left turn. In the effort I made the job too important. Now I have to work hard not to put the job first. I consciously work to put God first, and in Him my reward. It’s not in anything I can do on my own.

I am grateful for the education I never could have attained on my own, or by working for a different employer. I’m grateful for the income my work provides for my family, but I’m choosing to put God first today. I’m choosing to focus on the Him, not to be prideful over what I’ve accomplished because, guess what, I could only do it through Him. I'm just not that smart. He is accomplishing something in me for his good pleasure. 

I choose that work, His work. I pray it comes in the form of words I write and others read, and maybe even pay for someday. If that doesn’t happen, I will still grateful for the work he provides.

My five minutes are up. Time to punch out!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Neighbors - Ya gotta love 'em!

This is a Five Minute Friday Post - FMF is a website for writers, we write on the word of the week for five minutes and post without editing. It's good practice!
The word this week is Neighbor

Proverbs 3:27-28
27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in you power to do it. 
28 Do not say to your neighbor, "Go, and com back, and tomorrow I will give it," when you have it with you. 
29 Do not devise harm against your neighbor, while he lives securely beside you.

We do have to love them, but I confess that I'm not always successful. Oh, it isn't that I intentionally devise harm against them, but I don't intentionally love them either. My husband, doesn't know it, but he is the complete opposite. He seeks to help them, to love them. He is intentional about it. 

This morning in my devotional time I read this passage from Proverbs, then I found Neighbor as the word week. God works that way, giving me what I need when I need it. Verse 27 says "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in you power to do it." Aren't we called, then, to love our neighbors intentionally? He doesn't withhold His love from us, nor should we from our others. 

So, how do I do that? Well, it's got to be more than sharing the passing wave as I come and go from work. I'm going to rely on God to, again, provide what I need. What I should notice and to what He wants me to pay attention. 
Today I will seek to be intentional, to model Jesus and the husband God gave me for life. I will seek to love my neighbors.

That's my five minutes this week.

You can find FMF here -

Friday, August 25, 2017

Five Minute Friday Post - The word this week is GUIDE

Jumping In

Five Minute Friday Post - The word this week is GUIDE.
The is my first time posting for FMF and I'm excited to join a community of Christian writers. I'm also scared. I joined because need encouragement and "guidance" as I jump into the writing world more seriously than ever.

When I think about a guide, I naturally go to the Holy Spirit. Daily, I ask for His guidance. I also also ask Him to make it real clear for me, because I don't want to miss it. I don't want to miss anything anymore. Time is just too short and the older I get the faster it passes. So I'm seeking Him and making myself available.

I've wanted to write for years and I believe God put that desire in my heart. Back then I wanted to write steamy, summer beach reads. Now, I want to write what He wants to tell someone. I may never know who that is or how they might be affected, but that doesn't matter. I have only to obey my guide, God will take it from there.

My five minutes are up.

You can find FMF at

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Being Comfortable in Obedience

Matthew 5:40-41 

40 If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. 41If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. 

     I missed this, writing this blog. I think I stopped writing because no one else sees it. Like it doesn't matter. That's how I feel about most of what I do, especially at work, that it just doesn't matter. Why do I feel this way?
     I recently listened to Your Move, a podcast from Andy Stanley ( the Work It episode), about why what we do at work really does matter. He said it, what I do -- what we do, it matters because God's people matter. The people at work matter to God and how I represent Him to them matters to God. I got that right away, so I paid attention to the rest of the podcast.
     I was listening while taking a walk after a tough day at work, one with some drama surrounding implementation of a customer requirement. It's not new, just new to our organization. The customer describes it as a Manufacturing-led process, but I felt they didn't want to do it. It was never said but there really wasn't what I would call forward motion. I feared it would be come another thing for the Quality department to do, but I wanted to allow Manufacturing time to take responsibility and follow-through. It wasn't happening and we were on a deadline. 
     You see, assuming responsibility for things like this is something I typically do, I've always done it. For that reason sometimes it's hard for me to let go. The truth is, operating like that doesn't really help the organization for the long term. It doesn't teach anyone anything. I'm going to retire in a few years and I feel obligated to teach people how to do the things I've always done. Better yet, give them the confidence to figure out on their own. I want to leave with a strong team in place. 
     While listening to the podcast, I just knew that God was telling me to help them. To set aside any preconceived notions about their intent. To help them by showing them how to do it. The challenge was that I had no experience with this new process either. 
     Mr. Stanley was telling a story about going the extra mile, specifically when the Roman soldier could have anyone carry his gear one mile. Matthew tells us that we should go two miles and give our coat along with our know the story. Thinking in those terms changed my outlook. 
     In my mind, the hand-off was made in that moment. I knew God wanted me to take it back from Manufacturing, to drive this implementation as an example of cooperation. There wasn't an argument from me. I've never had clarity like that before, it was very ...hmmm...comfortable. I remember chuckling about how God just snuck up on me with the idea.
     Here's the thing - I had to accept the responsibility happily, congenially, humbly. No finger-pointing or "I told you so's" allowed either. Simply accept the responsibility, one that was not mine, and do it with a smile. 
     Now, how was I going to explain that to my Quality team? It turns out that I didn't have to. I obeyed, it's God's responsibility to take care of the rest.  It's been a couple of weeks now and ... so far so good. We're getting comfortable.