Friday, October 27, 2017

Day 27 - Overcome

He Will When I Can't

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you  have tribulation, but take courage; in have overcome the world."

When does the peace start? If my faith is the victory (1 John 5:4) and the One Who overcame the world loves me enough to live inside me (1 John 4:4), and is greater than he who live in the world, I've already overcome. 

Why don't I feel the victory and the peace that comes in it. I'm mean all the time, not just few and sometimes far between snippets. Okay, I admit it, I'm greedy for the victory.

So, what is there to overcome?

  • Insecurity
  • Doubt
  • Self-centeredness
  • Pride
  • Lack of self-control
  • Sadness
  • Emptiness
You name it, they all steal our victory in Christ. They are all stumbling blocks either self-inflicted or imposed by the world because of our lack of faith. 

The victory is in our faith. One translation says trust (CJB). Until we let the knowledge of His sovereignty rest in our souls, we won't experience that "peace prize" we all need. 

My five minutes are up.

Extended time -
In all honesty, I have not held to the five minute rule for most of my posts in October. I spent time editing as I went and that took way longer than five minutes. Today, I prayed first, jotted down some verses and notes before I started writing. Wrote for five minutes, then, went back to fix spelling and punctuation (which could still be a problem). The prep and clean-up process is much more efficient and effective. If that is the only thing I learn in these 31 days, then it is a good lesson. I've enjoyed reading posts from the FMF community. Thank you for sharing so many good stories. 

Click her for My 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

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