Monday, October 2, 2017

October Free Write - Day 2 on Day 2, On Track Now

This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late.

Day 2 - Tell

Go Tell It on the Mountain

Acts 5:42 And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

I love that hymn. Isn't that what Jesus instructed us to do in the Great Commission. The apostles did it even through imprisonment, beatings, and shipwrecks. They told it in joy. Wait a minute, I can't even get through a day at work without losing my joy. What's up with that? My life, in every way that I can imagine, must be so much easier than that of any one of the apostles. Yet, they didn't give up, even knowing they would have the worst of it because of their undying faithfulness to Jesus. 

I want that undying faithfulness, perseverance, endurance, and patience (although, I can only imagine why they called it longsuffering). We might call it sticktoitiveness today, or perhaps dedication sounds more worthy of their calling. I don't want to get tired of telling It, the way I'm tiring of the everyday workplace work. 

They lived up to the challenge and changed the world by staying on course. They ran their race, they told us about It, the Good News of Jesus Christ, and because of it we have the gospels and other books of the New Testament. Oh, God would have accomplished His plan if they quit, but they didn't. I can only pray for the same sticktoitiveness, guided by the Spirit in Christ Jesus. I want to be available just in case He wants me to tell It.

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