Write the Truth
Proverbs 3:3 Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.Writing is my voice. You see, my voice, the one I speak with just isn't heard. What I say, the way I say it, my facial expressions, my tone, the way I verbally communicate -- it's almost never received in the way I intend and I don't understand why this happens.
I'm trying to hear myself the way others do. I try to be conscious of my words so much that there are very few people, with whom I can be myself. I try to speak softly, to be kind and considerate with my words and it hurts me when I am not accepted.
Do I stop talking, stop communicating using speech? REALLY? I hope people get me in the written word, because I'm giving up on talking. Well, not really because that would be hard. However, I'm all in with the hard work of learning to write well. I will work at writing because it makes my heart happy.
I know that not everyone will be a fan, that I will post something that offends, irritates or provokes some unexpected reaction. If I'm a writer that is being read, it's inevitable. I promise, though, that I will make every effort to write with kindness and truth, and by the grace of God, He will write them on the tablet of my heart.
Click here for my 31 Days of Free Writing Table of Contents
This is the October Free Write from Five Minute Fridays, that's 31 days of writing with a new prompt each day. My first year and I've taken up the challenge even though I'm starting late. http://fiveminutefriday.com/community/
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